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Business Group Story


EPG is a business group founded in 2003 by three passionate healthcare players to attain their vision of facilitating the reach of healthcare essentials to patients worldwide.

EPG is one of 4 subsidiaries that work collaboratively to achieve the group’s vision.

We seek to enrich and master the healthcare market by improving factories’ sustainability and allowing them to focus on their core production business.

Through collaboration with clients, our expert team interacts with our business networks to ensure the required resources are available.

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Why We Exist

Our Values & Beliefs

We believe that customer satisfaction is a key to business success. We understand that knowing your customers and their needs will help provide them with the best products and services. We also believe that providing excellent customer service, makes our customers feel valued, and assures them that we stand behind our products.

Our Vision

Our vision is to achieve sustainable growth with a national market presence for all our service offerings.

An export traffic team that provides a competitive edge, enabling us to win and retain customer loyalty and become our customer’s supplier of choice.

A continuous investment in new business software and systems, new communication technology, and staff training to ensure we remain on technology’s leading edge.

Our Mission

Provide integrated solutions to customers to ensure sustainable profits.

Focus on being the leading exporter of Pharmaceutical Products.

Being among the top three companies across segments including Raw Materials and Medical devices.

Serve as an effective and accountable instrument of public policy and be socially responsible.

our history

EPG Building Journey

EPG strived to ensure the efficiency of progressive delivery throughout the past 22 years.

2003 : Founding Elarabi Pharma Company

Our vision is to create a healthcare habitat serving patients with care and caution.

2004 : Middle East Region

Al-Arabi Pharma Company has made the necessary expansions to facilitate access to the basics of health care in Iraq.

2009 : Establishing Elarabi Medical Company

EM Conducted 1st Agency Agreement with 100 employees.

2010 : Expanding EP in the East Africa

EP expanded its exportation network to Somalia and Libya.

2011 : Expanding EM Product Portfolio

EM signed off “Pic” Exclusive Distribution Agreement in Egypt.

2012 : Founding EPDA Distribution Company

EPDA ensures the availability of the high quality medicines in the Egyptian market.

2015 : Founding Samritz Company in Egypt

Samritz Egypt sponsors toll manufacturing of nutraceuticals.

2017 : EPDA Logistics is Operating

EPDA operates using vast distribution network ensuring effective delivery of benefits.

2019 Restructuring

 Initium Solutions® ( A global provider of enterprise solutions and services ) Became a part of EP


EPDA Opens new branches
EP expanded its exportation area to reach more in the Gulf area


EP expanded to become an agency for more than 32 of the largest manufacturers in egypt


EPDA Expanded its core and establish an OTC line


EP reaches more than 35 shipments per year
EM has a cosmeceutical line